Tag: Robert Harbison


Although my last blog post had been written for my own amusement, I did, in fact, send it to The Oldie and it came winging back the very same day as being ‘not quite right for us’.

Having rejected some thousand manuscripts myself, I had never been quite as quick as that, allowing even outlines to spend a few days on the hallowed premises of a publisher’s office, affording these would-be authors a few days of hope.

Perhaps it would have been better to stifle hope, but who wants to be responsible for nipping talent in the bud?  And one could be wrong. I still remember the occasions on which I came across reviews of books I remembered having turned down.                         

Of course it is now more than fifty years since three old codgers in the English faculty at Cornell decided that my husband’s PhD thesis* was not worth publishing, thus shattering his belief in himself, which was only restored when a year or two later his landlady (me) came across her lodger’s dog-eared typescript (what was I doing poking about in his room?) and loved everything about it, that is to say the qualities – above all the wit – which, along with rarefied scholarship, were to be his trademarks.

Narrow-mindedness is, of course, a requisite of regular academics and it was inevitable that R’s brother, a well-respected art historian, should throw up his hands in horror at the lack of specificity in his older brother’s books. 

That, some years later, R was invited to spend a year at Cornell as a kind of honoured guest is the equivalent of the way in which, in the publishing world, the obscure origins of a prize-winning author who once fought to get anyone’s attention are long forgotten.

Forgotten by the publishing world – including the agents who, as they trawled our catalogue, now ‘discovered’ these writers they had, of course, seen before – but seldom by the writers themselves.  I treasure the continuing friendship of many of those I helped to get started and am amused by the inscriptions of the ones who preferred to forget:

But I don’t, of course, wish I hadn’t taken them off those piles of un-agented manuscripts known as the Slush Pile, which no longer exists but was the life blood of the pre-digital publishing world.  And I am left with no regrets about those I had to turn down because no one liked them as much as I did, or André took against them:  Eva Figes, Peter Carey and Carl Lombard among them.  They soon found a home, as did my husband’s book which is seen in the photograph in its American edition (our own budget didn’t run to using an Atget photograph).

*Industrial Diamonds:  The Working Class in English Fiction 1840-1890                                      


Whilst every news item tells of the horrendous war raging in the Middle East, I am taking shelter down memory lane, taking a last look at R’s papers before I hand them over to the archive*. Amongst them I rediscover the several hundred bad-tempered letters (there were letters in those days) I found waiting for me, some thirty years ago, when I returned to the office after a week’s holiday.

At the time I was working on R’s guide to parish churches, and the last thing I had done before leaving was write to the vicar of every church which had an entry enclosing the relevant text and asking him (or her) to let me know of any factual errors; at the same time, offering a discount, should they want to order a copy. And, in the hope of averting irrelevant comment, I ended by saying we hoped they would be happy with the description of their church and pointed out that it had been singled out from a stock of more than 18,000.

Among the flood of replies – every one of which enclosed an order for one or more discounted copies – a half-dozen were friendly and appreciative. The others ranged from disgruntled to enraged. One vicar had simply scrawled UGH! beside a common contraction.  Another slashed out ‘remarkable’ (in relation to bench ends) and substituted UNIQUE. Yet another accused our author of ‘slapdash work’, though every one of his myriad complaints showed we had both Nicolas Pevsner and the RCHME on our side.

These good men of the cloth (they were mostly men) were up in arms.  One actually had one of his parishioners re-write the entry and demanded payment for it, while another asked, more politely, but firmly, that his church be omitted.  Yet another asked to be paid for answering and, most un-Christian of all, was the vicar who (his alarmed lady secretary rang to warn me) was planning to sue us.

Is it any surprise that most of the wars we have experienced or learnt about when we were at school have their origins in one religion or another?

But best not to forget that so many of the world’s greatest buildings and works of art, share the same foundation. 

The Creation of Adam, Michelangelo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

*The Archive of British Publishing and Printing, which also has a copy of the slightly enlarged edition of the guide published by that radical newspaper The Daily Telegraph.


It is now two years since R died and I had hoped to celebrate his life by printing here something I found recently among his papers:  an account of a trip he made to Alaska, at the invitation of an old college friend who, at the last moment, was not able to make it himself.  R however, fully equipped for the adventure, thanks to his friend’s generosity (this friend had taken a very different path in life which enabled such excursions) did make it and I have, all these years later, come across what he made of the experience.  I have not, however, had the time to make it presentable (there are parts which would be of no interest or might be considered indiscreet) so, instead, I reproduce here a detachable piece of his published writings — the preface from the 1994 Ecco Press edition of Eccentric Spaces — which I treasure, even though it did not, as we had hoped it would, land him a job . . . *

It is now more than ten years since this book was written.  My own position in the world has never been more eccentric than it was in the year (1973-1974) in which I wrote it.   I was out of work, a condition the book cured me of, not by landing me a job (I am still looking) but by making me think it was the right way to be.

I had come back to America to find work after two idyllic years in England.   At first I lived with wonderful friends, who though they had a large family and a small house still made room for me.  By the time I moved into the sleazy apartment where Eccentric Spaces was written I had applied for everything I could think of, including a post at the Missouri Botanical Garden, and been turned down.

So here I was living on the fringe of the university (Washington University, St Louis) where I used to teach, not allowed to take books from its library, stuck in a student slum, and feeling like a conspirator when I visited my old friends in the English department.

Writing filled up that empty space in the most miraculous way.  I am a far from mystical person, but I was propelled to begin by a dream.  I mean one of those events which happen to you in the night, not an ‘idea’.  Though it would be self-indulgent to recount it here, I think it would have convinced anyone.  From that moment I have not really been capable of the same depths of unhappiness as before.  From then onward I could say with conviction that everyone contains his own happiness within him.

Vicissitudes, after that, were provided to give something to rise above.  In the third week someone came to reclaim the desk I was writing at (borrowed like everything else in the room.  My own things were laid out like a simplified map along the base of one wall).

So the next morning I sat on the floor with my back against the wall and locked myself in with a white plastic coffee table.   There were further deflections, including, worst of all, two months in which I couldn’t get a word out and read most of the books treated in chapters five and six.   The room was bare except for a series of pictures I borrowed from the local library and stared at when I got stuck.   It was in that way through Hunters in the Snow that Bruegel made his way into the book and I realised he was my favourite painter after all.

This all sounds very solitary, which it was, but I had some fathomless support from three people in St Louis and one in London, who are mentioned in the book’s dedication and acknowledgments, and who each in a different way made that year one of the happiest.

If it isn’t already, the story becomes tedious when it comes to the stage of looking for a publisher . . . and it become drearier still when one compiles things like a list of where it wasn’t reviewed.  It is a book which has made its way obliquely, not in public channels of communication, but in friends (or strangers) talking to each other.   I have met some of the people I value most through its agency, have re-met good friends from the past, and am very glad that this book for which I have a really lamentable fondness can now start on its travels again.

*Not many years previously when R had been granted a Guggenheim Award, he had been tactfully described by that august body as ‘an independent scholar’.


For a very long time, maybe two years, my husband worked away in the scaled-down version of a house at the end of our garden, on a book about SCALE.   I never really understood what scale was, though the word seemed to rouse interest in architect friends and, much against my wishes, R had accepted a commission to write the wretched thing.

The Passion of Creation by Leonid Pasternak

The idea for the book had been his.  But a momentary enthusiasm, once a delivery date has been set and money has changed hands, cannot be easily discarded.  As it ought to  be.  No wonder that all the books I value most from my years in publishing emerged from that heap of manuscripts known as the slush pile: books written because they demanded to be written, often by authors with very little knowledge of the publishing world.

Of course, great works, especially works of non-fiction, can be written to order, but being locked in to any schedule or expectations other than one’s own still seems like a straitjacket to me: not unlike being in debt, something of which I have a particular horror.

And so it was that R was toiling away at a project in which he had really lost interest while I, whenever I had the time, was writing short pieces, to no one’s order but my own, which my friend Nicky was posting every month on the website she had given me as an 80th birthday present, at a time when I did not even know what a blog was. 

THERAPY FOR US OLD PEOPLE is what Effie had said when she gave me this splendid pig who became our household god.

She had made the pig (I can still see the streaks of glue where she had slightly misfired as she stuck on the teats; it is a lady pig) at the nearby Charlie Ratchford Centre (see link below for how the Centre looks following its recent transformation by Camden Council) when she lived across the road from us in a pretty little house that had been provided for her by her ex-employer. She had been his housekeeper.

Of course Effie, still irresistible in advanced old age, must have been more irresistible still in her youth and, now that I am as old as she was, I appreciate even more her liveliness and the kick that creating that felt pig had given her. 

And so it was that while Mrs Pig looked on from her post at the top of the stairs and I was enjoying writing about anything that came into my head, R was wrestling each day with a subject that had gone dead on him. 

The answer was obvious.  He should give up on books and turn to shorter forms. 

What about the Essay?  

Had he not implored me to read Montaigne, a pocket-sized edition of whose essays I carry around as a kind of mascot, but have yet to read?

Had he not loved Emerson and Thoreau?  Did he perhaps prefer to forget that many readers found his thinking and his prose impenetrable and, thus, best taken in small doses? We could both remember his Aunt Eunice — a Methodist preacher’s daughter, as he was a Methodist preacher’s grandson — saying she was going to finish his first book if it killed her.

Why not make it easier for his loyal readers as well as for himself and, above all, why limit himself to one subject?

And so, after a long and difficult birth, his blog was born (link below) and the wasted years  forgotten as this healthy child, which had been waiting impatiently in the wings, took  flight . . . Rembrandt, Soutine, Cy Twombly, Shakespeare, Artaud, Ruskin, of course . . .

How right Effie was: making IS the best therapy of all.

The Charlie Ratchford Centre as it is now.

Robert Harbison’s blog



One of the many things I didn’t know about dying and death is that you can’t scatter ashes just anywhere and it was enough for me to hear from the funeral director that I would need permission to carry out my plan to go to a spot in Regents Park which R particularly loved, for me to drop this idea, and to ask no more questions.  I don’t therefore know if what we did the other day was illegal. All I know is that it didn’t feel illegal and couldn’t possibly have done anyone any harm.   

My son was in England.  So was my daughter-in-law, who has a wonderful voice and would have sung a traditional lament as we said our final goodbyes, but we feared attracting attention as we scattered the ashes in the churchyard of one of the little parish churches that R had so loved and that he and I had visited together.    

Far from London, where he had lived most of his life, and further still from his birthplace but, as I comforted myself and told my young grandson, not far at all from his ancestral home, just across the Scottish border . . .  

It was on a very wet Sunday morning that we had arrived in Selkirk, some twenty years before. The town square was empty except for a statue of Mungo Park.

Desperate for a cup of coffee, we tried a few side streets.  Not a sign of life.  Back in the main square, we noticed an open side door in the one grand building.

Inside we found an office and a helpful lady who explained this was the Court House and told us that  Walter Scott had been the Sheriff here for almost thirty years. Surrounded by files and with a computer, which seemed strangely out of place in this mausoleum, it didn’t take her long to establish that the Harbisons had once lived in this town and she told us we would find their gravestones in the churchyard.

On some other day, we might have found them but by now the rain was bucketing down. The sodden grass was knee-high, the inscriptions on the ancient tombstones hard to decipher, and a light had gone on in a window in the town square. We turned back and headed for it.  And there, in a tea room as spartan as the British Restaurant that my mother used to take me to during the war, we had a comforting hot drink of something like coffee.

No wonder the Harbisons had fled all those years ago from this rugged little town whose townspeople were permanently at war with their English neighbours.

The ferocious Battle of Flodden would still have been a relatively recent memory:  a memory vividly recalled in the little museum we came across, in a cobbled side street, when we had warmed up and dried off.

Housed in a plain but beautiful old building, the very best example of civic pride, here we learnt the war-torn history of this place, now a quiet backwater, but once the scene of endless strife.

I wish I could remember exactly when R’s family had left. I think it was mid-eighteenth century;  anyway, long enough ago for one of his ancestors to get herself captured by ‘Red Indians’, an experience she survived and wrote about in an account which, like other captivity narratives, still exists. 

So, I am able to tell my grandson, who is proud of his own Native American blood, that his much-loved grandfather was not the first Harbison to be a writer and his memory, like that of his intrepid Scottish predecessor, will live on.


From Cicely Mary Barker and the Flower Fairies to Robert Mapplethorpe is a far cry, and the sudden appearance of the latter in a review of an exhibition of his flower photographs when I had been thinking of blogging about the former, has thrown me.

I had come across this old Flower Fairy postcard and been thinking how much the gifts of flowers during the months that R was at home, waiting  peacefully to die, had come to mean to us both.  And how flowers had now become a habit.

Unused to spending money on anything except necessities (in a first world sense) I now treat myself to a bunch of something  every time I pass our local Lidl.

They have become as necessary to my life as they clearly were to Cicely Mary Barker, a pious Anglican, living with her sister in Croydon where they, the daughters of a seed merchant, had been born.

It is easy enough to see where Mapplethorpe got his inspiration (for copyright reasons I dare not reproduce any of his beautiful, suggestive photographs here but they can easily be found online), but I could not have guessed that the models for Miss Barker’s fairies were the children who attended the kindergarten that her sister had established in their home.  This much-loved artist — belonging by upbringing and temperament more to the homely world of the ‘flower ladies’ we met in the several hundred churches I visited with R during one of the happiest times of his life* — evokes a kind of Englishness that no foreigner could ever aspire to.  And how much more desirable than the razor-sharp beauty of Robert Mapplethorpe’s black and white studies which mirror his private obsessions.

Here I have to remind myself that R loved not only the common or garden flowers of garden, park and hedgerow  which translated so happily into little children with butterfly wings but also orchids, the feral denizens of the flower world.

Entranced by their complexity, he began to collect them and every time we needed to go to Ikea (they were the lure to get him there) meant one more for him to cherish.  As for our expedition to the Orchid Festival at Kew, what a different experience from our harmonious church visits that turned out to be.   In the steaming heat of the tropical glass house we lost each other. 

Glued to a particular bloom, he hadn’t noticed that I had moved on and I hadn’t noticed he wasn’t still following.  For more almost an hour I sat at the exit until one of the kind guards who had joined in the fun (for them) of R’s disappearance managed to find and deliver him. 

Memories, memories.  What else does old age comprise?   I remember that flowers were a part of my mother’s life, and will never forget the sight and scent of the freesias, bought off a market stall in the Portobello Road, with which I covered her coffin.

* See R. Harbison, Eccentric Spaces, Foreword.

**  Almost every one of the thousand or more churches that he visited evoked a rapturous response. He so loved ‘dark plaster, faded colour, crumbling stone — perishable materials perishing . . . . ‘  (from the Introduction to English Parish Churches).  For R, to ‘assimilate more and more to the realm of delight’ was what life was about.


With R, who for forty years had never had anything worse than a cold, registered as high risk – having never fully recovered from the pneumonia which felled us both a couple of years before – Covid spelt the end of life outside the four walls of our house and beyond the rickety fences of our back garden.  But, after one lengthy argument which ended in his reluctantly agreeing not to go to the recently opened Aubrey Beardsley exhibition1, we both gave in to the inevitable and, like everyone else, found ways of making this new life liveable.

For R, the first step was to order the Beardsley Catalogue Raisonné, a book so heavy that I can barely lift it. For me, the first step was to get out a set of ivory-layered dominoes, bought at a boot sale but never until now used, and begin the search for the instructions to a mah jong set.  These I never found.  And, though I remembered tales of an ex-uncle-in-law’s obsession with dominoes which, when his job as a GP allowed, he would play for money in Soho cafes, its possibilities seemed quite limited to us and this and all other games soon bit the dust.

But there were, of course, books.  Some two thousand or more of them. And also the place-names game of which we never tired. This memory-laden game, which required no more than a piece of paper and a pencil, had for years been  reserved for birthdays and New Year’s Eve, but we now allowed ourselves to play it any time we felt particularly low.

This all came back to me at gale force yesterday when I came across a clutch of these lists in a copy of one of my favourite of R’s own books, his Guide to English Parish Churches. It was to its index that we would so often turn to see what names – what places – we had forgotten. 

There were no rules to the game, except that we should both have been there, but we did have to try to curb our enthusiasm and stop at two or three letters, so as not to use up the alphabet too quickly. We had to leave time to forget again before the next time. 

Of course, it wasn’t only English names – Abbeydore, Beeston, Crewkerne . . . though they predominate.  It was also Bari, Cromarty, Delft . . . Bari where, finding I had forgotten my sleeping pills, I relied on wine to get to sleep. Even as I write the words, the memories pile in.  Melk, Narva, Oberlin, Palafrugell . . . The bright orange bathing trunks that R, who hated shopping, had to go out and buy in Melk so he could swim in the Danube. The three sex manuals2 that were almost the only books in the pretty little apartment we had rented in Palafrugell . . .

Oddly enough, we hardly ever seem to have come up with the names of  places we had passed through when taxi-ing around India in the company of James and his schoolfriend Sanjay (brought along to give James company on the 800-mile drive from Goa to Bhopal to meet us). Travelling with these two exceptional youngsters – one a Catholic, the other a Hindu and, between them, versed in stuff you could get from no travel guide: the crops, the wildlife, the food, the customs of this ancient land – life was a daily miracle.  And, for R, the temples of India remained a life-long passion3. It was with great sadness that I learnt, a few days ago, that James, now the father of two beautiful young boys, has died of Covid.

R has been spared this news.  And I return to find solace in those lists, which are a reminder of the best of times. 

1. See R on Beardsley here

2. Alex Comfort hit the mainstream in the ‘70s.

3. See R on Hindu temples here.


Five years ago, to my surprise and that of everyone else, including my husband who used to joke that I was a ‘folk-photographer’, a lot of snaps I had taken of him – mostly looking at buildings – were exhibited at the architectural school where he had been teaching and, not much later, and more surprisingly still, in a gallery in Rome.

It seems there is a category of photographers called Street Photographers, and that I counted among them.  Worlds away in skill and subject (I did not have the nerve to photograph grown-up people), I nevertheless found myself in the same category as ex-nanny and one of the greatest of all street photographers, Vivian Maier.

The film about Maier*, made by the young man who came across crates of her abandoned work in an auction sale, is a joy on two counts: because it allows us to see a lot of her astonishing photographs, and because her life is as strange and unsettling as that of a character in a Ruth Rendell novel.  Tall, plain, stiff (unable to unbend, except with children), this nanny-from-who-knows-where moved from one kindly middle-class family to another, with her ever-increasing number of suitcases and boxes, all hidden from view by her insistence on having a lock on the door of her room.

None of her charges came to harm.  Many have good memories of her.  And all of them will have been present when some of her greatest pictures were taken.    As for the boxes, it was not until young John Maloof – thinking he might find something useful to illustrate a paper on local history – put in a bid and took them home, that their contents were revealed.

It was seeing this marvellous film that made me go back to my own heaps of photos, mostly taken before DoublePrint went out of business and I had to go digital.  Almost all, I have now  thrown out.  But here are a few for which I have a lamentable fondness.

Seen in Lambeth
Our dog on the beach at Saltburn
Winter, North Yorkshire
A windy day
At the Estorik

*Finding Vivian Maier written, directed and produced by John Maloof

My husband’s ‘take’ on Vivian Maier can be found here.


It was in Abu Simbel, as I vomited over someone’s shoes, that I decided never to visit a popular site again. I knew I would enjoy the morning more if I spent it in the hotel garden  away from the crowds and the heat – but, at the very last moment, the fear of ‘missing something’ was too great: I climbed onto the tourist bus along with everyone else, and those chunky seated figures proved my nemesis.  I have never given in to the fear of missing something again.

A lot closer to home than Abu Simbel was the little Vuillard exhibition in Birmingham, earlier this year.  But not close enough. I have always loved this painter who, at his early best, was a stay-at-home of the first order*, but did I really want to spend the two hours on the train that it would take to get there, and the two hours to get back again . . . ?

Anyway, there is so much within walking distance we have never paid attention to.  We have been to the Taj Mahal but not, until the other day, to the Greek Orthodox Cathedral (once an Anglican church) on our own high street.

Neither of us – even though my husband has visited more than a thousand churches** – had ever thought to go inside this gloomy hulk.  It turned out to house massive chandeliers which light up murals that cover every inch of wall space: not paintings of the highest quality, but displaying a depth of feeling which makes it easy to understand why this place is second home to my elderly Greek Cypriot neighbour and all her friends.   This is not a church which plays to empty houses.

Less fortunate is the Spiritualist Temple in nearby Rochester Square. If this has a congregation, it is disembodied.  We could find no way in.

Inevitably, this sadly neglected building has caught the eye of a developer, who could not care less that its foundation stone was laid by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

What is both shameful and surprising – for it was Sherlock Holmes who made my American husband feel at home in England forty-odd years ago and whose stories have never lost their hold – is that we didn’t know about this building until the local paper broke the story of its imminent demolition.

Ignoring the things on our own doorstep in favour of abroad has, however, paid off in more ways than one.   It is lucky we have so much left to see, now that both health and the cost of insurance make travel difficult.   And luckier still to have got to the ruins at Delphi before they were fenced off, to the glorious, empty stretch of sand at Malia before Malia became a tourist Mecca, and to Tallinn, my mother’s birthplace and one of the loveliest of small European cities, before it became a popular destination for stag parties.


* See my husband Robert Harbison’s blog:  Vuillard the Radical

** See The Shell Guide to English Parish Churches  London, 1992







Diana Athill, who has appeared several times in these blog posts, died on 23rd January 2019.

This is the story of our friendship.  Told to myself, to try and make sense of it.  I feel able to post it thanks to Diana’s nephew, Phil Athill, without whose approval I would not be letting it travel outside the room in which it was written. Disconcerted by the media gush that followed her death, and hoping for a serious and cool reconsideration of her life, he encouraged me to send it to a national newspaper, but I hesitate to try to publish more widely something that was written to purge my own feelings and which could cause anger and disappointment to the many admirers who knew Diana only from her books and the idealised version presented by the media.

In this form, it is in keeping with the principle of my blog, which is to talk about what concerns me at the moment of writing, or has interested me or concerned me in the past.

The funeral was only a few days ago.   A joyful affair.  For how can one mourn a life that lasted for over a hundred years and was fully lived until the very end?   The solemn tolling of the church bell as the coffin was borne away was a fitting prelude to life-after-Diana for all of us gathered there, now drinking champagne and sharing our memories in her now for-ever absence.

An absence that I was to feel acutely the next day as I read the last page of a novel I had picked off the shelf in my son’s Brooklyn home a few days before. I had never heard of the Danish author of this remarkable book and I am sure Diana hadn’t either, for she would have told me about both it and him . . .

During all the years she spent in that Highgate home, familiar now to her thousands of readers, I would take her books I had been reading and would look forward, as I had done during the thirty years or so that we worked together, to knowing what she thought of them.  Her taste (within its confines) was unerring and her love of books unparalleled.

It was this that I valued most in her, and it is this that I will miss, that I miss already.    Who else would have made me think again about James Salter?  Swept up, like everyone else, by the media attention he attracted on his death (I had not heard of him before) I fell for All That Is, and it took Diana to make me think again.  She was not moved by this artifice and, on re-reading him, I became uncomfortably aware of how shallow the book was beneath its glittering surface.

And now that I have come across another novel whose subject is the intricacy of married life, she is not there to test it out.  But I like to think she would have thought Jens Christian Grondahl’s Silence in October as extraordinary as I do, a serious challenge to one of her own authors who had made marriage and family life his territory.

John Updike is one of the authors on whom Diana’s reputation as a great editor – ‘the best editor in London’ – rests.  An irony of which she herself was aware (she never claimed greatness), for John Updike, like Norman Mailer, that other giant in her stable, was actually edited not in London but in New York.

As for Jean Rhys and V.S. Naipaul, whose miraculous re-discovery and discovery are always attributed to Diana, they had already been snuffled out by that remarkable truffle-hound, Frances Wyndham.  Indeed, Jean Rhys was of so little interest to anyone at Deutsch – except as an irritant to André, who had paid her an option of £25 and received nothing in return – that I, then the most junior editor, was sent down to Cheriton Fitzpaine to try and get the book out of her.  The novel, which I helped assemble, was The Wide Sargasso Sea.

Without Diana, the Jean Rhys story from then onwards – or, rather, from the time, two years later, that the manuscript was delivered – would have been very different.  An editor’s job is twofold:  attention to the text and attention to the writer, and at the latter – the nurturing – Diana excelled.  And it was this that Jean Rhys needed, and without which she would not have survived.

Despite the poverty and isolation of her life at that time, the manuscript that Jean handed in could have gone straight to the printer.   Naipaul’s submissions were also word-perfect, leaving little for an editor to do.  I know this from experience, as I had the unnerving job of being the first to read A Bend in the River, which came in when Diana and Vidia were barely on speaking terms (entirely his fault).   I did my best to find something wrong:  to be able to make a few suggestions which would show that I had read the book with attention.  But it wasn’t easy.  And, though I passed the test (admiration, whether genuine or feigned, goes a long way) I was very relieved when Vidia thought better of breaking with Diana and I was shot of him once and for all.

Relieved because, like Jean, Naipaul demanded (in his case, demanded rather than required) constant attention.  His ego knew no bounds and I wonder if the greatest of all editors – Maxwell Perkins – would have considered him worth putting up with.

Editor of Genius is the sub-title of Scott Berg’s life of Perkins, which I had picked up in a charity shop and both Diana and I read at a gulp.  Here, we agreed, was a great editor:  a man of heightened sensibility who never wrote himself but who harnessed the talent of writers as diverse as Hemingway and Thomas Wolfe, paying even more attention to the fabric of their books than to the fabric of their lives, whilst totally immersed in both.

An obsessive attention to the text, which is the prerequisite of the great transformative editors (like Charles Monteith or Ezra Pound), did not come naturally to Diana: too time-consuming for someone whose life was lived largely outside the office and who was to start writing herself. But this did not blunt her greatest gift to her authors, which was her initial understanding of and pleasure in their creations.   After that, as far as the text went, it was broad brush strokes only.  The rest could be left to the copy-editor.

For the hopelessly dutiful such insouciance is enviable.  What does it matter, after all, if one book slips through without one of those infernal Advance Information Sheets which we were required to dream up to try and enthuse our salesmen?   The book in question was one of my husband’s: Deliberate Regression:  the disastrous history of Romantic Individualism in thought and art, from Jean Jacques Rousseau to twentieth-century fascism.  I couldn’t understand every word of it myself and now have a copy, annotated by the author, which explains the bits that foxed me, but I would have come up with something.   I wouldn’t just have said, as she did to me, that you would need a wet towel to wrap round your head to read it, and left it at that!

But that was Diana. Enviable in her lack of guilt. An English thing. A class thing. Certainly not a Jewish thing.  It is hard for me to imagine not being conscience-driven.  Life without Jiminy Cricket, what licence that would give!  And it did.

The whole world knows about Diana’s love life, and many of those who cared for her were glad when she stopped being a spokesperson for serial infidelity and for sex in one’s dotage, and instead became a champion of fearless dying.  But during those years, while women in her audience – for many of whom sex had not ceased to matter but was contained within marriage – listened avidly to tales of deception which could have involved their own husbands, or their daughters’ husbands, the real Diana was lost sight of.

There was so much more to her than that. For it takes strength to defy convention, and this strength was manifest in behaviour far removed from the sexual shenanigans served up cold in one obituary after another.  It was not only her calm acceptance of approaching death but her refusal to let the strictures of old age – the difficulty of getting in and out of a car, the loss of taste and hearing – get the better of her, which singled her out from the moaners and groaners, among whom I count myself.

She was not a complainer.

Diana in Yorkshire, with my husband, Robert Harbison

I remember her telling me how she had fallen during the night, while staying with friends,but had waited to get help till her hosts appeared for breakfast, after which she was taken straight to the nearest hospital.  And when she came to stay with us in Yorkshire, already in her nineties, she was not content to look at the glorious moorland landscape from the car:  we would stop and she would get out, however muddy or uneven the terrain.  This, after all, was the land of her Athill forebears . . .

Most of them, anyway.  For, as I learnt only a few days after Diana’s death – so we never had a chance to talk about it – the sugar island of Antigua had been the improbable birthplace of one of them.  I happened to be in Antigua, on my way to New York, when Phil Athill, Diana’s beloved nephew, and perhaps closer to her than anyone else in the world, e-mailed me about the revised funeral arrangements.  On learning where I was, this was his immediate response:

‘Antigua! Athill homeland. Diana’ s great-grandfather, George, was born there in 1807 to the Chief Justice James Athill and one of his octaroon slaves.  He was officially a Man of Colour . . .’   And it ended:  ‘Please take a walk down Athill Street for us!’

Me in Athill Street, Antigua

I did, of course.   And at the same time marvelled at how history repeats itself.  Diana, that lovely, leggy, horsey English girl, who was soon to have her heart broken,  as all the world knows from Instead of a Letter (which remains, for me, the best and most moving of all her books) had gone on to share her life with a succession of men of non-white descent.

A chip off the old block, my father would have said.  It was not until I became friends, quite recently, with a West Indian of near Diana’s age, and learnt he found her much publicised predilection for black men offensive, that I thought of how it might seem to non-white males.

It was this same friend who told me that Naipaul’s early novels did not endear him to the people amongst whom he grew up.  But that wouldn’t have bothered Naipaul, and what I most admire in him was his courage in allowing his biographer a completely free-hand, which is what – some years later – Diana allowed me . . .

Some twenty years ago now, the manuscript of a book I had written about my family and my years at Deutsch was spread out on the table, when Diana unexpectedly called in. Written without thought of publication, and thus with no holds barred, the frequent references to Diana showed her both at her best but also at her worst. And now here she was, wanting to read it and dismissing my mutterings about it not always being very nice about her.  ‘There’s always something we don’t like about our friends,’ she said, quite equably, and carried it off.

Two days later we met in a teashop in Regent’s Park Road where she gave me back the manuscript and, with it, an odd-shaped parcel.  Inside, was the Staffordshire figure which I had always regretted not being quick enough to buy myself: an incident described in the book. Neither that nor my account of the Molly Keane affair – of which the less said the better, for it caused a rupture that never quite healed – had stopped her in her tracks: she did not ask me to change a word.

In fact, she even offered to write a foreword, though I thought better of asking her for this when, many years later, the book, Loose Connections: from Narva Maantee to Great Russell Street, was published.  The eleven-year delay had ended with our one-time employer’s death. You cannot libel the dead and, as he and I were the same age, it had become a race against time.  Who would go first?   Now, the phone calls from friends, anxious for me to be able to publish, reporting on his health – one person had seen him in the swimming baths, another at the opera – became, like him, a thing of the past.

Diana’s magnanimity in not asking me to change anything was remarkable.  But so was she.  Never more so than in her attitude to the Birthday Book that her well-meaning young agent devised to celebrate her illustrious client’s hundredth birthday.  This comprised thirty or so hastily written tributes from authors, work colleagues, family and friends which her publisher turned into a handsomely bound volume, to be presented to Diana at the party given to celebrate her birthday.

At the party itself, over which Diana, dressed like an empress, presided in a wheelchair, I distinguished myself by having pressed the wrong button on my new digital camera and coming home with pictures only of people’s feet.  Which was a pity, as I would love to have a good photograph of Diana surrounded, as she was, by those who loved and admired her, plus a happy scattering of little people – great-great-nephews and nieces – who enlivened life below knee level.   Only dogs, which Diana and her closest friend, her cousin Barbara, had loved all their lives, were missing.

Unable to do more than catch a glimpse of the book to which I had contributed as it was presented to her (and which, as I could see from a distance, she was having great trouble removing from its wrappings), I asked, the next time I went to see her, if I could have a look at it.

The answer was No.  She didn’t know where she had put it and she was in no hurry to find it.  She had clearly found the whole thing mildly embarrassing.  The obverse of Diana’s ‘beady eye’ – that splinter of ice, which could be so unnerving – was immunity to emotional gumbo.

I am left wondering whether she even read all the entries, but I hope and believe she didn’t need to be told how much she had meant to so many people.   And I shudder slightly at the thought of what she would make of this thing I am writing now: not because it doesn’t present her as perfect, but because she was impatient with sentiment.  Impatient with sentiment and not easily fooled.   Despite enjoying her celebrity, she never really took it seriously and remained what she had always been – an exceptional responder to beauty, in all its forms:  not just the written word, but the magnolia tree outside her window, the window boxes full of lovingly chosen flowers (our expeditions to nursery gardens are among my fondest memories), the exotic clothes she could, at long last, afford to buy.

And she never lost the qualities which make her such a sorely missed friend:  I love the beautifully handwritten, gossipy letters I received when I hadn’t been able to get to see her for a while.  As for the visits themselves, no one was better company and though I will remember with lasting pleasure the times we spent together in the room which became her home, my happiest memories will always be of the car rides back from the office, when we would cross Russell Square to collect her car from the vast underground car park, and then sally out into Tottenham Court Road where – talking all the time, as though we hadn’t seen each other for years – we belted along, through the rush-hour traffic, as if ours was the only vehicle on the road.

Only death could have stopped us talking, and now it has.





The other day, leafing through an oldish copy of the TLS, I came across a long piece about the Themersons: Stefan and Francezska who, among much else, founded the Gabberbocchus Press whose books have now become collectors’ items.

Francezska Themerson at work in her studio, 1969.

Their extraordinary careers in which she, an artist, worked alongside her poet, novelist, philosopher husband are charted in the piece which also refers to the exhibition of their work which had been held, not long before, at the Camden Arts Centre in Arkwright Road: opposite the JW3 community centre, where, as Polish-born Jews, they would also belong.

An example of Francezska Themerson’s work.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, when – in my role as jacket-supremo, a job thrown at me on my first day at the publisher André Deutsch, where I had been taken on as an editor – I was lucky enough (through the good offices of Michael Horowitz) to get Francezska Themerson to design a jacket for us, André rejected it.

‘I AM NOT GOING TO PAY FOR GREY’ is what André said.

This exceptional artist had used three colours, of which one was grey, for our modest 3-colour job and had, moreover, generously provided the colour separations which were needed in those days.

It took a great deal of angry persuasion to make André change his mind.  And he never did change his mind when it came to the jacket for my husband’s first book, Eccentric Spaces, which has been constantly in print since it was first published by Knopf in 1977.

Knopf had used an Atget photograph for their edition and it remains one of the loveliest of jackets, for not only is the photograph of rare beauty, but the lettering is a perfect fit. Everyone at the free-for-all meeting at which jacket decisions were made was for it, but not André.   When he heard what it would cost, he told me to ring up the French Tourist Office and get a photograph for nothing.

Such was life when André was in place. How it changed when his successor, Tom Rosenthal, took over! Tom was not one to go around switching off lights or complaining about paying for heating whenever he saw an open window . . .

But it wasn’t long before austerity began to seem a virtue as our new employer’s largesse, of which he himself was the main benefactor, began to sink the firm.  Before long, after thirty-two years and with only one year to go before retirement, I was out on my ear.

My wish to take the matter of the disagreement which precipitated this to the Rabbinical Court – I had a picture of the bearded elders pinned above my desk – was discouraged by the very grand and very generous firm of solicitors who fought my case, pro bono, for four long years.   I am sure they were right, and yet . . .

So much for this story of extravagance on the one side and parsimony on the other. The oranges and lemons of office life.


Two years ago, at the age of eighty, I published my first book, thus inverting the work of a lifetime in which — as an editor — I had nursed other people’s books into existence. It was, and remains, quite an experience.

The actual writing of my memoir is hard to describe, but what it most felt like was pulling a thread: no effort was needed, just a few uninterrupted hours — surprisingly hard to come by even though I was by now long retired.

My husband (also a writer, but a serious writer, whose many subjects do not include himself) manages to get time for himself every day, but it seems that a woman’s work is never done, even if it is only answering the door bell, scrabbling through the freezer for tonight’s supper or getting a late birthday card into the post.

But the days on which I was able to pin ‘GONE FISHING’ on the door of my room mounted up and, at the end of three years, this record of my life — three decades of which were spent working alongside the legendary Diana Athill at André Deutsch Limited — was complete.

It was only then, reading what I myself had written, that I realized how indignant I felt on behalf of women, both at home and in the work place: a dyed-in-the-wool feminist, without even knowing it!

Here follows just one example from my book which, in recalling all those years as a literary midwife, contains many others.

‘A parental “Where’s the novel then?” or words to that effect were, apparently, what finally spurred Howard Jacobson to get down to his first book, but the havoc that writers create in the lives of their nearest and dearest spreads in all directions: not just the worried parents, but the partner who may never know the luxury of a regular income and the children whose childhood is one long admonition to keep quiet: the thud of the football against the back door, the beat of rock music, intolerable to the writing Daddy who expects to have a decent stretch of quiet every day. The writing Mummy, of course, doesn’t expect to have stretches of time, let alone quiet time, when there are children at home and finds different ways around this.

One Deutsch author who began writing when her four children were not yet at school, would snatch time before anyone else in the house was up. (It was her youngest son who told everyone that his mother had written six books after helping her to open the parcel of six complimentary copies . . .) Another, her third child on the way, had, in two years of Monday mornings, completed her third novel and handed it in just days before the baby’s birth. Then there was the twice-divorced father who wrote four entire books (typed on the back of Council minutes) on the train to and from work, returning home to cook the supper and put his four children to bed. For this is to do with mothering, not gender. But most mothering is done by mothers and many, like Shena Mackay, put their careers on hold while their children grow up or, like one of my oldest friends, don’t really get started until their children leave home, getting their first royalty statement at much the same time as their Freedom Pass . . .’

I must, in all fairness, add that not all male writers have an easy time of it. There are men with nine-to-five jobs who find themselves in much the same boat. But one can’t help noticing that it is still almost always the women who have to be the most accomplished jugglers of domestic priorities.


For the thirty years I worked as an editor – a job which could be described as being a Book Doctor, but a doctor whose duties don’t end with caring just for the book but also for the person who wrote it – I would tell authors crushed by bad reviews to ignore them unless they felt the reviewer had made a valid point, in which case best to take it on board.

Well, as an author myself and recipient of a less than friendly review in a journal so prestigious that everyone told me I was lucky to be there, I realised this is more easily said than done.   I would not prefer to be there.  I would rather have had a few friendly words in a parish magazine than that rambling put-down in a journal with a world-wide circulation.

Image: © OK David

In a vain effort to follow my own advice, I tried to ignore the review after deciding (as so many authors in the same situation have done before me) that there was nothing to be learnt from it, but the next step was even less easy to take.

Even if – in my estimation – the reviewer had it all wrong, it still rankled.   Who was this person who had taken such a dislike to me and my poor book?   Why hadn’t they handed it back to the Literary Editor and said it wasn’t worth reviewing (as my friend Diana Athill does, if sent a book in which she can find nothing to like)?

Pondering this question led me, inevitably, to the www (not available to my authors, as I retired more than twenty years ago) where I discovered that the person who could find nothing of merit in my book had been on the permanent staff of the offending journal. I began to fantasise about their state of mind.  I even began to sympathise, having had very rough treatment from my own employer.  Ah yes, I thought: here is someone being given the occasional unimportant book to review to make up for past wrongs . . .

The next step, was to moan to friends – writer friends – every one of whom came up with similar stories and one of whom said she knew the reviewer, who was a very nice person but literal-minded and with not much sense of humour.  Both these qualities (or lack of them) figured.  By no means all my friends had liked my book, which made me like them no less:  we need the literal-minded, and a sense of humour often indicates a cruel streak.  Nevertheless, it was bad luck for mine to have been given to that particular reviewer and I wish that he had taken Diana’s line and turned the job down.

But, of course, to quote the Pub Landlord ‘It is Much More Complicated than That: reviewers get paid and not everyone can afford to turn work away.   Even so, the system provides fertile ground for an abuse of power where the writer is at the mercy of someone who may simply have got out of bed on the wrong side, or happened (in the case of a memoir) to have liked someone the writer doesn’t like.

There is, of course, a way round this for the writer.   No one can make anyone read a review and there are those who, like my own husband, avoid them altogether.  He has never read the two-page diatribe in a long-ago London Review of Books in which he was accused of not knowing how to write English.  My ‘bad review’ wasn’t anything like as fierce as that, nor as far off the mark.

Of course, it goes without saying that reviewers must be free to write whatever they like, but that doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t wonder why so much space is given to reviews which deter readers rather than sending them out to the nearest bookshop.

Many thanks to OK David for use of his image, originally drawn for the Hatchet Job of the Year Award.  See more of his work at


I can’t think when I last came across this antiquated phrase but it is what kept going round in my head as I read Waldemar Januszczak’s beastly piece (only schoolyard language is appropriate) about John Berger in a recent Sunday Times supplement.

I was never a Berger groupie, as many of my friends were – not serious enough about the things he was serious about – but good manners alone should have stopped him in his tracks. You don’t slag off the recently dead, however much you may resent their success as Waldemar Januszczak so clearly does: not only as a thinker, writer and telly personality but – perhaps more grating still – as a man unusually attractive to women. No doubt, Waldemar would enjoy lecturing to a ‘harem of female devotees’.   What man wouldn’t?

Well, my own husband, for one. I remember his lecturing with his usual animation to an audience of three, having insisted on giving a course on Flamboyant Gothic at the Architectural Association when some of the best teachers – let alone students – showed no interest in medieval churches.

But, back to Waldemar who we gave up on as a TV presenter the very first time we saw him.   Like so many presenters (although few are as bulky) he kept getting in front of the work he was describing; but when he actually fell to his knees to examine a map – he looked as if he was about to eat it – we gave up on him for good.

If that sounds mean, look at his article in which he makes constant fun of Berger’s lisp. To quote: ‘I adore Rubens, but giggle at Woobens.’

How is that for serious journalism?